As a unique and fast-paced healthcare environment – the ER demands certain things from a successful EMR solution. At the same time many of the integral features of a powerful EMR make it the perfect solution for ER settings.
What are the main benefits of an EMR within the ER?
– Complete and fast information sharing: nothing is lost, forgotten or overlooked. This means less room for error and improved patient care at every point of their journey through the ER.
-Customizable patient charts that can be viewed at any time and point, by any caregiver responsible for a specific patients care. This provides a 360 view of the patients time in the ER and allows for full coordination of care between caregivers and other departments.
-Connection of the EMR to medical devices means real-time collection and recording of a patient’s vital signs, and makes this information readily available to caregivers.
Chameleon EMR can be integrated into any healthcare setting. Contact us to understand how.
Chameleon EMR can be integrated into any healthcare setting. Contact us to understand how.